The Platteville Public Works Department will be resuming street sweeping on Tuesday, March 11th in the Rodgers Farm subdivision.  This past Tuesday street sweeping was completed in the Old Homestead subdivision but due to mechanical issues that occurred with the street sweeper Rodgers Farm was not completed.  Street sweeping will occur between 7:00am and 3:00pm on Tuesday and all residents in Rodgers Farm are being asked to remove all vehicles from the streets so they can be swept and cleaned.  Vehicles may be temporarily parked on the Town's empty lot near the north entrance, as well as the area north of the Rodgers Farm park near the east side of the detention pond.  The Town appreciates everyone's cooperation as the Town completes street sweeping throughout the community during the next few months.  A regular monthly street sweeping schedule is being worked on and will be available to the community in the next month.  THANK YOU 


Utility Billing Appeal Request Form

If payment in full is not received by the Town on or before the third Tuesday of the month in which the charges were billed, they shall be deemed delinquent. To avoid disconnection of services, the following appeals process has been initiated to allow citizens an opportunity to request alternatives regarding suspension or termination of the account on the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Service Address
Owner Address